Access bars ®

Do you remember the last moment in your life when you were totally relaxed, nurtured and cared for? Or has it been a little too long since you received healing and kindness without any judgment of your body or your being?  Imagine if someone could press a button and mute that voice in your head that keeps telling you that you are not good enough or that you cannot accomplish your dreams? However, what will most probably happen is that your whole life will change into something better.

A session of Access Bars®️ can help with the following:

    greater mental clarity, motivation and problem solving capacity.

    significant increase of joy and happiness.

    improved manageability of depressive and anxious tendencies.

    decrease in interpersonal and intrapersonal conflicts.

    deeper relaxation and non interrupted sleep.

However, what will most probably happen is that your whole life will change into something better.

70 min 80 Euro

Access Bars® class

The Access Bars class is a single day, 8-hour class. Your Access Bars facilitator will provide you with a comprehensive manual and in-depth head charts to assist you in learning Access Bars® and becoming an Access Bars practitioner by the end of the day-long course. In addition to learning Access Bars®, the manual is full of life-changing tools, questions, and processes from Access Consciousness®. This class is much more than learning a new energetic modality… In addition to exploring the manual and the hand positions for the 32 bars-points, you’ll be invited to the change that you know can be, and is, possible!

Access Bars® is the first prerequisite class of Access Consciousness®. Once you’ve completed this class, you are able to attend many other class offerings!

Best of all, it’s not hard to learn. By learning or receiving the Access Bars® technique, you can give yourself and your clients, friends, family, and co-workers the care, kindness, and nurturing you require with total ease.

Give yourself this incredible opportunity to change your life completely around and start building the life you always wanted, without putting yourself down anymore.

8h 240 Euro

Access Consciousness®

The essence of Access Consciousness® is to develop a world in which there would be no condemnation of oneself or anyone else. The goal is to get you to recognize your creative power to the point that you can change everything and anything that does not work for you (anymore) in your life.

All life comes to you lightly, joyfully, and gloriously. With simple tools, we empower you to know how to choose for yourself, to recognize your behavior and easily follow it, to step out of the automatisms, limitations, doubts, fears and create a life you deeply inside always knew should be possible. It is time to make it happen. Let us make it happen together!

Po ogledu filma pa smo pripravljeni, da prvič zaženemo nekomu ali nekdo nam Access Bars-e.

Torej preostale štir ure potekajo tako, da prejemnik leži na masažni mizi, izvajalec pa sedi na stolu za glavo osebe in izvaja tretma.

Na delavnici gre vsak udeleženec skozi štiri ponovitve tretmana (po dveh izvedbah v istem paru se zamenjamo, tako da ste v naslednjih dveh izvedbah z nekom drugim).

Posamezen tretma se izvaja cca. šestdeset minut. Potem se osebi zamenjata. Tisti, ki je prejemal barse, se jih sedaj nauči tudi izvajati.

Vsak udeleženec dvakrat prejema in dvakrat izvaja tretma.

Tekom izvajanja sem vam vseskozi pri roki in vas vodim, da so vaši prstki na pravih mestih. Vseskozi tekom izvajanja pa razkrijem tudi uporabna znanja, ki lahko prispevajo vašemu življenju.

Vmes je čas za kosilo, lahko ga izkoristite tudi za sprehod po stari ljubljani.

Se že veselim, da se spoznamo.

Access bars class 8h

This class is a one-day, hands-on class in which participants learn the Bars points and participate in gifting two Bars sessions and receiving two Bars sessions.

Price is 240 Euro

Half price for 16-18 year old accompanied by an adult

Free for those under 16, accompanied by an adult


    International Bars Practitioner Certificate

    Bars Manual and Laminated Charts

    Giving and Receiving 2 Bars Sessions

    Coffee, tea, water, biscuits and fruits to recharge your energies!

What if you could perceive, know, be and receive everything required to create the life you have always known should be possible?

podrobnejši opis

Access Bars predstavlja 32 točk na naši glavi, ki lahkotno in brez napora sprostijo vse, kar vam ne dopušča, da bi prejemali, živeli sebe skozi svojo lahkotnost. Potreben je le nežen dotik.

Te točke vsebujejo vse omejitve, misli, ideje, prepričanja, čustva in razmišljanja, ki ste jih shranili v kateremkoli življenju in vam zdaj onemogočajo, da zaživite čisto nekaj novega in zavestno izbirate v svojem življenju.

Vsako izvajanje točk Access Bars lahko sprosti pet do deset tisoč let omejitev na področju življenja, ki je povezano s točko, ki se je dotikamo. To je izredno negovalen in sproščujoč proces, ki odpravlja vse, kar vam onemogoča, da bi zaživeli sebe. Vpliva pa tudi na vašo okolico in cel planet.

Koliko življenja ste preživeli tako, da ste delali, namesto da bi prejemali? Ste opazili, da vaše življenje še ni to, kar želite, da bi bilo? Lahko bi imeli vse, kar želite (in še več), če bi bili voljni veliko več prejemati in mogoče delati nekoliko manj. Izvajanje ali učenje točk bo dopustilo, da se bo v vašem življenju pojavilo to in veliko več.

Tretma je pomagal tisočem ljudem po celem svetu spremeniti mnoge aspekte, povezane z njihovimi telesi in življenji, vključno s spanjem, zdravjem in telesno težo, denarjem, spolnostjo in odnosi, stresom in veliko več.

Ko z Access Bars-i odpravimo omejitve, bolj se lahko prepustimo prejemanju in radosti.

Po osmih urah je vaše življenje povsem nekaj drugačnega in bo odslej drugačno, v kolikor boste voljni sami prakticirati oz. izvajati tretmane in uporabljati orodja. Pa naj bo to na vaših prijateljih, družini, otrocih, znancih ali strankah.

Delavnico vodim Lucija Rihtar, certificirana ACCESS CONSCIOUSNESS® bars facilitatorka.

240 €

access bars